Daily Living and Life Skills

Daily Living and Life Skills

The ability to live as autonomously as possible and to retain a level of independence is important for those with special needs. People living in difference circumstances may need assistance or supervision while undertaking tasks in their everyday lives. We can assess each situation and discuss what the best option is for what range of service can be provided in regards to assistance for daily living. This will allow every individual person to enjoy the most out of the day and be allocated with a level of assistance that is right to best allow for the most independence and enjoyment out of everyday life.

Together with assistance in everyday living, it is important to develop life skills to allow each person to grow and enhance their ability to live autonomously and to have more confidence to perform regular tasks independently. These life skills can range from daily home tasks such as showering, operating devices or preparing simple meals but can also extend outside of the home with tasks such as walking to local shops or using public transport. Over time these life skills will help each individual become a confident and independent member of the community and the need for assistance or supervision may no longer be necessary once these general life skills have been mastered.