National Disability Insurance Scheme


Why We are Different

We put the needs of our clients first. All our staff are passionate, empathetic and have their hearts and mind in the right place. We don’t hire anyone that doesn’t have that burning desire to help create a better world.

We have access to over 3500 carers so we can match your needs on language, gender or age.

After your initial assessment, our team will meet with you and your chosen carers and teach them exactly how they can assist you with your goals. We use the latest evidence-based rehabilitation techniques and reviews every 3-6 months to make sure you are on track to achieve your goals.

Why do we need the NDIS?

People with disability have the same right as other Australians to determine their best interests and to have choice and control over their lives. The NDIS recognises that everyone’s needs and goals are different. The NDIS provides people with individualised support and the flexibility to manage their supports to help them achieve their goals and enjoy an ordinary life.

The NDIS replaces a disability system that was unfair and inefficient with a new, national system that is world-leading, equitable and sustainable. This provides certainty and consistency for people with disability, their families and carers.

Australians will now have peace of mind that if their child or loved one is born with or acquires a significant disability that is likely to be with them for life they will get the support they need, when they need it.

Can I access the NDIS?

To become an NDIS participant a person must:

have a permanent disability that significantly affects their ability to take part in everyday activities
Be aged less than 65 when they first enter the NDIS
Be an Australian citizen or hold a permanent visa or a Protected Special Category visa
Live in Australia where the NDIS is available

To find out more about information about joining the NDIS visit or call 1800 800 110.

Can I still receive support if I do not meet the access requirements for the NDIS?

A person does not have to be an NDIS participant to receive support from the NDIS. The NDIS will connect people with disability, their families and carers, including people who are not NDIS participants, to disability and mainstream supports in their community.

What should I do if I am over 65?

If you’re 65 years or over and currently receive NSW Government disability supports, you will not be disadvantaged. You will continue to receive supports that achieve similar outcomes to those you are currently receiving.
You can find out more by visiting the Department of Health website.

Children under six years of age

Children under six who have a disability may be eligible to receive support from the NDIS through the Early Childhood Early Intervention Approach, (ECEI).
The ECEI Approach is how the NDIS is working with Early Childhood Providers to deliver early childhood intervention for children aged up to the age of six.
For more information on the Early Childhood Early Intervention Approach, please visit or contact the NDIA on 1800 800 110